Showing 1 - 12 / 22 items

Αίολος - Aeolus

for bass clarinet and string orchestra

Evis Sammoutis 2024

Peace for Yodit

for string orchestra

Anthony Gilbert 2020

Bee Haven

large group of orchestral string instruments 

James Weeks 2017

The Scream

string orchestra

Thomas Simaku 2017

The Resurrection of the Soldiers

string orchestra

Robert Saxton 2016


any number of orchestral string instruments (at least 12)


James Weeks 2016

Ends Meet (marimba (or accordion) and string orchestra)

marimba (or accordion version, available from 2023) soloist and string orchestra

Luís Tinoco 2014

Shakespeare Scenes

solo trumpet and string orchestra

Robert Saxton 2013

Via della Fortuna

string orchestra

Sadie Harrison 2013

Yuya 2 (bassoon and string orchestra)

bassoon and string orchestra

Anne Boyd 2005

Cello Concerto - 'Deathwatch'

solo cello, second solo cello (amplified) and 15 strings

Jeremy Dale Roberts 2004

Plenilunio II (per Orchestra d'Archi)

string orchestra

Thomas Simaku 2004